People often ask me what we can do as an individual on an ongoing daily basis.
There are lots of things we can do.
First of all we can meditate each day. If you have not learned how to meditate there are lots of websites and youtube videos that can guide you on this.
You can pray each and every single day for a change.
Picture white light, gold light and green light around the planet. Visualize the planet surrounded in love. You can even visualize hearts surrounding the planet and people. Whatever you believe to be most important to you at this time regarding what needs positive change.
This will release positive energy and help to create a higher vibrational level for the planet.
Other things you can do is educate people as to what is going on and how they can do their part to both get the word out to others and to help make this a better planet.
Also important is clean up of our planet. This will be taking effect on a planet wide scale very soon. You can start right now in your own life. Just think about all the plastic you use.
Bis-Phenol A is an additive in clear, hard plastics. It is used in water
bottles, baby bottles, soda can liners, etc. and is known to leach into
the foods and liquids which are stored in it.
This is leaching into anything food related that comes in contact with your food or drink. If it is wrapped in plastic or a can or a plastic bottle this chemical is getting into your food.
This is also going into baby bottles and sippy cups and being ingested by babies.
More on BPA
This is a great reason to boycott plastic products. You can call your state representatives and demand that they change legislation for foods in plastics. You can also personally boycott foods in plastic or cans. I know it is not that easy because nearly every single food or beverage in a grocery store is packaged in plastic or a can of some sort.
In addition to that it is made from crude oil, which we have to drill for and that is an entirely different blog. It also does not decompose and all the plastic ever produced is still on this planet. It is estimated that it will be here for thousands of years too.
You can bring your own bags to the store and refuse your items put in plastic bags. Also stop using the plastic bags in the produce section. They make your produce rot quicker in addition to leaching chemicals into your produce.
You can also quit buying bottled water. Those individual bottles of water are leaching chemicals into your water, consuming oil and creating a lot more pollution. In addition, you will save quite a bit of money. A lot of times this is water from a creek or stream, which is more contaminated that municipal drinking water. Other times the water is only tap water, or tap water that has been filtered. Purchase your own filter at home and filter your own water. It will save you money in the long run. If people stop buying them they will stop making them.
You can stop using plastic garbage bags and storage bags at home in addition to storage container. You can purchase canning jars and use those for your food. No plastic leaching into your food that way. You can use them to carry water and other liquids too.
It is really about learning new ways or going back to old ways that worked for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Also when you see garbage on the ground outside pick it up. It can get into water and contaminate our waters, get into the food chain of the aquatic animals.
You can also stop eating GMO crops and boycott companies that use GMO crops to produce their food. Call these companies daily if necessary, write to them, petition against them. Spread the word when you learn of these companies and get others involved.
I believe that every single bit of fast food is made from GMO food or is filled with chemicals. I do not believe that thare is any fast food in any franchise restaurant which is free of this. Also when you grocery shop, if you are purchasing anything prepackaged, canned or frozen and it is basically heat and serve or ready to serve, it has GMOs in it.
Dangers of Genetically engineered foods
When you spend your money on these items or consume these things, it is money going into the pockets of the very people that are intent on destroying us. Why would you pay someone to poison you and oppress you? It makes no sense to me either.
Learn how to grow your own food, shop for local produce and meat and always ask if it is non gmo. If you ask enough you can get the word out when people want to know why you are so concerned you can explain all the things wrong with the GMO crops and what they are doing to us as humans and to the animal species and the world as a whole.
These are some things that people can do on an individual level and on a daily basis. I know it is a small start but it is way past time to start this. Do you have a plan B if this planet becomes uninhabitable?
The following video is some good advice for taking care of yourself. Good things to know.
Some good advice
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