I came across this article posted numerous times this morning.
It is in regard to the Monsanto rider bill. They want to be unregulated by the FDA.
If you are not familiar with Monsanto and GMO crops, you need to familiarize yourself with them. If you consume food this affects you.
This is taken directly from the article
"Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) has sponsored an amendment to kill the
rider, whose official name is “the farmers assurance” provision. But
even if DeFazio’s amendment makes it through the House vote, it still
has to survive the Senate. Meanwhile, organizations like the Organic Consumers Association,
FoodDemocracyNow!, the Alliance for Natural Health USA and many others
are gathering hundreds of thousands of signatures in protest of the
rider, and in support of DeFazio’s amendment."
I did a search and the offical census number for US population is 312 million and the Census clock indicates
there are currently over 313 million people in the US. This petition has only hundreds of thousands of signatures. This should have millions of signatures.
For those of you who do not know, GMO crops are crops that are genetically modified organisms. They have been released on us as a population in many processed foods and processed foods unknowlingly. There are no laws requiring GMO foods to be labeled as such, in fact they want to mandate it that there never be any labeling, they also want to do away with independent farms and farmers and organic farming, in addition to preventing us from growing our own food in our own yards.
Also, independent testing has shown organ failure, in lab animals, death in animals grazing on GMO crops, increase allergies, diabetes, obesity, and other healh problems.
But this is the big thing. They have been found to alter our RNA and DNA.
This is huge.
Millions against Monsanto Petition
Organic consumer organization
This is huge too.
House Agriculture Appropriations Bill. This amendment would strip
federal courts of the authority to halt the sale or planting of illegal,
potentially hazardous genetically engineered (GE) crops—even if a court
has told them to stop—while USDA is still assessing potential hazards.
Urgent action on GMO ammendments
Here are the committee members which you need to contact.
Committee members
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