Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Eco Cities

"Eco-Cities" being built for population control

I just came across this article. For those of you who are not familiar with this concept, this is in response to the G-20 Summit or as it is also known Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 is the UN agenda for the 21st century to "save" the planet.

My first thoughts in saving the planet from being destroyed would be to stop producing chemicals immediately, stop producing plastic immediately, stop drilling for oil and other fossil fuels, stop mining for natural resources, stop spraying the skies with chemicals, stop altering our food source, stop contaminating our water,
That would be the logical place to start.

Basically cease production of all materials which are synthetic. If it cannot be made from nature stop making it. End of story. We managed to live for thousands of years without plastic, gasoline, pesticides, herbicides, chemical drugs, health and beauty items and so many others. It is time that we go back to that.

Instead they want to condense us into Eco-Cities, where we have to stay and give up our cars and take mass transit, conserve water and grow our own food which will be provided by a chemical company, in spots they designate for us, while leaving the countryside untouched and keep it free of people.

Does this make any sense to you?

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